"A supermarket does not fit here," Tuesday, Gordon Smith told me it's easy to list the reasons a fresh and easy market shouldn't open at the old Del Monte roller rink.
"Because of this, this tenant moved out three months ago and this tenant also has moved out
Smith said his neighborhood's concerned about traffic and noise.
"The delivery trucks are to come in and the wheels of the trucks will come alongside these apartments...When big delivery trucks back up they have these beep, beep, beep."
But the city said a sound wall will be built between the apartments and the grocerty store parking lot.
"Fresh and Easy management has indicated that it does not use the back up beepers, it's not a requirement," said Forrest Ebbs from the planning department.
The city said none of the other noise concerns exceed the city's threshold in a residential area.
"The city has allowed this gate," said Smith.
And that is problem number two. Neighbors say Helvic Ave., the one-way street, already deals with school traffic and business traffic from the warehouse that butts up to parking lot of the proposed market.
The city estimated about 73 more cars on Helvic Ave., most of which it figures will use this gate to access the parking lot.
Neighbors say the city can't be sure because it didn't conduct it's own traffic analysis.
"We have relied on the traffic studies that have come in as part of the project that is standard practice," said Ebbs.
But neighbors said it seems the city's standard practice is pushing out neighborhoods, "We need a separation between commercial from our residential," said Smith.
Neighbors appealed the planning commission's decision to allow Fresh and Easy Market to replace the roller rink. That means, Tuesday night, the city council must decide to approve or deny the project.